Graphene Core 3

Project Summary

The main aim of the Graphene Flagship is to bring graphene and related materials from the lab to the market and help generate economic growth, new jobs and new opportunities in Europe. Graphene Core3 is the third core project of the Graphene Flagship and is characterized by a continued transition towards higher technology readiness levels, while keeping a strong component of fundamental research.
Made from a layer of carbon one-atom thick, graphene will bring a new dimension to all future technology – including faster, thinner, stronger, flexible electronics and a revolution in the speed of broadband networks.

Nearly 170 academic and industrial research groups in 21 countries and more than 90 associate members are joining their efforts to take graphene from the realm of academic laboratories into European society within the frame of the €1 billion Graphene Flagship research initiative.
Project Consortium
The Graphene Flagship’s consortium is composed of nearly 170 academic and industrial research groups in 21 countries, and it also has over 90 associated members. The full list of partners and associated members is available here.
Role of ESF
Partner since the project inception in 2010, ESF has successfully run the Core 1 and Core 2 phases of the project, and continues to be the partner responsible for the tasks related to European alignment, support and coordination of the partnering environment, and international collaborations in the Core3 project phase that has started on the 1st of April 2020 and will run for three years.
ESF is involved in the Work Package Management and is an active interface between the activities carried out in the Core 3 project and its technical work packages, research and innovation initiatives supported at national level by other European programmes, and internationally. The total budget related to the ESF activities amounts up to €1M for Core 3, and €1.2M for both Core 1 and Core2 project phases.

Timeline & Funding
The Graphene Flagship is a 10-year research and innovation endeavour with a total project cost of one €1BN funded jointly by the European Commission and Member States and Associated Countries.
ESF has been involved in the Graphene Flagship as partner since its preparatory pilot phase (2011-2012) which was implemented through an FP7 Coordination and Support Action (Project #284558).
The Graphene Flagship ramp-up phase (2013-2016) was a 30-month Collaborative Project, Coordination and Support Action (CP-CSA) under the 7th Framework Program (Project #604391) with an EC contribution of €54M
As of 1 April 2016, Graphene Flagship operates with European Commission support under Horizon 2020 as Graphene Core1 (2016-2018, project # 696656), Core2 (2018-2020, project # 785219) and, currently, Core3 (2020-2023, project # 881603), a three-year project with a total EC contribution of €150M.
Project Portal

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 881603