Fight Kids Cancer 2023-2024 Call for proposals
Announcement: Paediatric brain tumours call in September 2023
FIGHT KIDS CANCER is thrilled to announce that its next call opening on September 1st, 2023 will be exclusively dedicated to research on paediatric brain tumours.
In order to substantially support this disease area, which is in dire need for new treatments, FIGHT KIDS CANCER decided to give more flexibility to the applying teams by increasing the possible amount available and duration per grant application:
- For clinical trials:
o Up to 5 years
o Up to 5 million euros - For translation research projects:
o Up to 4 years
o Up to 2 million euros
As flexibility is the key motivation for the modification of the grants' duration and amount, the FKC Funders wants to stress the fact that applicants should apply for what they need and not refrain from applying for smaller amounts or shorter projects such as primer/ preliminary studies, projects or programmes grants.
Each project will be evaluated on its merit alone. Shorter, high-risk high gain projects are as welcome as are biology companion projects. Translational projects applying for longer duration or higher amounts will be expected to facilitate collaboration across institutions and borders within Europe to meet the FKC selection criteria.
The FIGHT KIDS CANCER secretariat at European Science Foundation is at the applicant’s disposal for their questions.
FIGHT KIDS CANCER aims to catalyse and support pan-European leading-edge research initiatives in paediatric cancer to develop innovative approaches to improve the outcome for all children and adolescents with cancer. This call will cover the following non-exclusive objectives:
- Realise real impact on young patients,
- Improve survival rates and reduce toxicity to restore young patients to full health after treatment,
- Advance fundamental knowledge of paediatric malignancies,
- Support improved interdisciplinary research, methods and collaborations for tackling the issues of today,
- Strengthen collaboration and the development of scientific capacity across Europe.
FIGHT KIDS CANCER aims towards overcoming the structural lack of research dedicated to paediatric cancers by ensuring a recurring endowment that will be granted to the best European research projects every year. An additional ambition is to foster closer working ties between clinical and laboratory researchers.
The 2023-2024 supporting organisations from France, Belgium, Luxembourg, The Netherlands and UK are:
Please note that the full proposal platform is accessible by invitation only. We invite you to consult the guidelines of the call here, also available on the submission platform.
The following template is to be used to submit your full proposal.
The deadline to submit your full proposal to the FKC paediatric brain tumours call is the 15th of February 2024 at 16:00 CET.
FIGHT KIDS CANCER Secretariat at ESF: fightkidscancer[at]esf[dot]org