Project Summary
The eRImote project is the first to consider solutions for digital and remote service provision across RI domains and to look for transferable practices and new developments that will improve accessibility and resilience of RI infrastructures.
While existing processes will be collected, eRImote will also explore new solutions using defined use cases to develop and test their implementation in RI scenarios. This will take us beyond the state-of-the-art for concrete solutions.
The eRImote consortium is relatively small with eight beneficiary participants representing four main ESFRI RI Roadmap domains. However, the consortium extends much more broadly through the existing contacts and networking partners of each of the project participants, increasing the reach out to hundreds of individuals, other European and global RIs, scientific networks, RI users, industry partners and policy makers.
The central pillars of the eRImote project are:
- Collect information on all aspects of remote and digital access across domains through workshops and expert groups
- Develop an information platform to make the compiled best practices and tools for remote/digital access openly available
- Develop joint recommendations for the transition to remote/digital access through use cases and a green paper
- Reach out beyond the consortium and engage stakeholders
ESF contribution to the Project
ESF is leading the work package related to Outreach and Dissemination. This WP aims to support the preparation of the information platform and eRImote Green Paper through a co-creation process with the other RI communities and all other relevant target groups as well as disseminate the results of the projects.
ESF's contribution to eRImote, particularly in WP5, involves leveraging its extensive experience in mapping and engaging stakeholders, and ensuring effective outreach and connection with the European Catalogue of Research Infrastructures (CatRIS) initiative, thus facilitating broad stakeholder involvement and the dissemination of project outcomes.
Project Partners
- DESY - Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron Coordinator (DE)
- CESSDA-ERIC – Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives-ERIC – (NO)
- UKDS – United Kingdom Data Archive (UK)
- ISSDA – The Irish Social Science Data Archive (IE)
- FORS – Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences (CH)
- EMSO-ERIC – European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory-ERIC (IT)
- ESF – European Science Foundation (FR)
- Euro-BioImaging-ERIC (FI)
- EMBL – European Molecular Biology Laboratory (DE)
- INFRAFRONTIER – European Research Infrastructure for Modelling Human Diseases (DE)
- INTERACT – International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic (SE)
- INSTRUCT-ERIC – Integrated Structural Biology-ERIC (UK)
Timeline & Funding
- Project duration: 30 months (started the 1st of June 2022)
- Total funding: 1 499 497 €
Follow the Project
- Website:
- Twitter: @eRImote_EU

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe programme under grant agreement No 101057557