Research Assessment & Grant Evaluation

We support universities, research funding organisations & programmes in identifying the best research projects


ESF-tailor-made support can include

  • Providing one or several independent expert assessments per application 
  • Setting up (inter-)disciplinary international review panels
    for collective assessment  
  • Advising partners on peer review processes, including management of conflicts of interest, selection criteria and call guidelines 
  • Collecting Partner's applications through a dedicated
    online submission platform  
  • Full management of competitive calls and post-award grant management

Our Community of Experts

Our Community of Experts comprises 10,500 international experts from over 90 countries, across all scientific disciplines.  Members of our Community of Experts can be invited to act as Expert Reviewers or Review Panel members and support excellence in our grant evaluation missions.

Our Expertise

  • Assessment of a wide range of research projects and applications

    -  Fundamental and applied research projects  
    -  Interdisciplinary research projects  
    -  R&D projects  
    -  Postdoctoral and doctoral fellowships 
    -  Researchers’ academic profiles  
    -  Centres of excellence, multi-annual research programmes 
    -  Research Infrastructures  

  • Application of the core principles of research grant assessment: Excellence, Impartiality, Transparency, Appropriateness for purpose, Efficiency and speed, Confidentiality and Ethical and Integrity considerations.
  • A secure online platform and adaptable workflows for the call management, proposal collection and evaluation by remote experts and review panels.
  • A dedicated and experienced scientific and administration team.  

Our Partners

Over the past years ESF has partnered with numerous Research funding organisations, Philantrophies, Universities, European organisations, EU-funded projects and programmes, MSCA Cofunds and Regional authorities.  Click here to read our Partner's testimonials.