Institutional Change Reflection Tools

Additional resources for each step of the reflection tool
1. Big Vision
Before designing their set of grounding actions, the GRACE implementation organisations first went through an internal reflection phase where they questioned their involvement and the state of the art of each of the six RRI keys. To help them with this task, they used a self-assessment scheme which can be used to evaluate any organisation’s context and its situation regarding the different RRI keys.
These guidance documents and questions will come in useful to reflect on any project related to institutional change. As responsible research and innovation (RRI) is now implemented in Horizon Europe, its principles are useful for all projects. Explore these in our webinar on the main considerations at the start of an RRI project.
2. Success Criteria
The big vision is then broken down into specific and manageable goals. Implementors determine how they can assess goal attainment.
Available resources:
- Webinar on different approaches to evaluation
- Open questions on the state-of-the-art on sustainability to help organisations start thinking about sustainability from the beginning of the project
- GRACE Empowerment Evaluation brief
3. Stakeholder Inclusion
It can be useful to think about how to involve stakeholders and when in the process of developing, implementing, and evaluating the initiative this is feasible and beneficial.
Available resources:
- A state-of-the-art on team implementation and actor mobilisation
- Webinar on Making the case for public engagement
4. Implementation
Now it is time to pin out the implementation plan of the initiative step-by-step. Who does what, when, and how?
Available resources:
5. Obstacles
Obstacles must be identified and thought through before running the implementation of the initiative.
Various resources can come in useful, such as this Mutual Learning Plan brief.
6. Resources
Lessons learnt is a section emerging from the experience of the GRACE project’s Implementing Organisations. This content is based on knowledge gained during the implementation of their Grounding Actions, providing orientations for future actions. Initially designed for the project’s six partners, they can be useful for anyone developing an RRI project!
Additional resource:
Making RRI sustainable in the long run article