Ildiko Ipolyi

Ildi is a Senior Science Officer with ESF-ScienceConnect, coordinates the science with and for society programme at the organization. She is the coordinator of GRACE, TeRRItoria, CASPER, UniSAFE and ACCTING projects, co-coordinator of RESISTIRE, and leads ESF’s participation in TIME4CS, WBC-RRI.NET, OTTER. Ildi also participates in the team that leads the ESF institutional change process including the draft of the 1st ESF Gender Equality Plan.
lldi is an expert business developer with an intimate knowledge of the European research landscape and funding schemes, with a specific feel for interdisciplinary projects, based on her interdisciplinary (scientific) background: MSC in food technology, PhD in analytical chemistry, extensive experience in international networks and data management in environmental sciences, science-policy interfacing, policy support and institutional change.
To this complex role, she brings her positivity, creativity and adaptability, as well as her proven project management experience.