“PPOSS – Planetary Protection of Outer Solar System”, is supported by European Community’s H2020 Framework Programme under Grant Agreement n° 687373.
Project Summary

The Planetary Protection of Outer Solar System (PPOSS) project tackles the science, technology and policy making components relating to biological and organic contamination of outer solar system bodies - in particular, icy moons.
This intensive three year programme provides a dedicated international platform and forum where science, industry and policy actors meet to promote discussions, exchange knowledge and produce policy recommendations related to planetary protection.
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to shaping the future of planetary protection policy related to the exploration of outer solar system bodies. With this aim, PPOSS is identifying new learnings and best practices, and considering and defining state of the art solutions to the problems posed by planetary protection issues.
Project Consortium and Stakeholders
- European Science Foundation: Mr. Nicolas Walter and Dr. Patricia Cabezas –Co-ordinators
- Committee on Space Research (COSPAR): Dr. Jean-Louis Fellous
- EUROSPACE: Mr. Jean-Jacques Treuet
- The German Aerospace Center (DLR): Dr. Petra Rettberg
- Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (IC): Prof. Mark Sephton
- National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) : Dr. John Roberto Brucato
- Space Technology Ireland Ltd. (STIL): Prof. Susan McKenna-Lawlor
Role of ESF
ESF has been involved in a variety of key European initiatives to advance space research and exploration, and is the coordinator of the PPOSS project. It is in charge of monitoring the implementation of the work plan as well as all administrative and financial aspects of the project. ESF also has the specific tasks of developing the project’s international partnerships and leading the integration of PPOSS’s findings into strategic advice and recommendations on planetary protection policy.
Timeline & Funding
From January 2016 until December 2018, PPOSS has operated with European Commission’s support H2020 programme (Grant Agreement n° 687373), a three-year project with a total budget of approximately €1M.
Project Portal and Social Media
Website http://pposs.org/
Twitter @planetaryprotec
Facebook PPOSS @planetaryprotec