Oguz Ozkan

Oguz is a Science Officer at ESF. He is the Coordinator of the research infrastructures cluster and is responsible for research infrastructure projects including AgroServ and eRImote. He holds degrees in international relations, European studies, and science and technology studies (STS) from Bilkent and Maastricht University. Previously, he taught in the Department of STS at the Technical University of Munich and is currently a PhD candidate in the same department focusing on political and scientific integration processes in the context of European research infrastructures for his dissertation.
Before joining ESF, Oguz worked for many years as international collaboration programmes manager at the Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK). He also worked for the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena in support of the Time Machine Organization funding hub, managing the organization's involvement in funding applications and EC projects. His professional interests include funding flows in European science and the overall landscape of research infrastructures.