CatRIS project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824173
Project Summary
The European RI landscape is diverse (RI operators, managers, users (researchers, industry) decision makers, funders). Past efforts were directed towards gaining insight into available RIs, national RI road mapping practices, and planning of pan-European RIs. A catalogue of services for e-infrastructures is currently under development. A recent report by OECD Global Science Forum highlights that “open digital platforms…can have substantial value for a wide range of stakeholders”.
Responding to the needs of users of physical RIs, CatRIS will make available information about RI services offered in Europe. Such information will improve visibility of services, foster European and international collaborations, and enhance RI accessibility, usage, and impact. Currently, RIs provide information about their services mostly in free formats through websites with varying completeness and details. Existing initiatives will be analysed to identify best practices and to propose a service catalogue structure to respond to users’ needs.
A prerequisite for the success of CatRIS is its integration in the European RI landscape and its different systems. Avoiding duplication of efforts and fostering interoperability is also essential. Although challenging, an interoperable system is the only sustainable approach that can be envisaged to keep information alive. In particular, CatRIS will follow closely the development of the EOSC to become an integrated part of it as an indispensable tool connecting RI users and managers.
The active engagement of the whole RI community is critical and, being at the centre of the project, will provide specifications and drive for the development. Through the use of a rating system and feedback loops on its contents, CatRIS can also serve as a bottom-up tool to facilitate the identification of potential gaps of European RI services. CatRIS will thus operate as an open “network of networks” branching out to RI communities across borders and beyond.
Project Consortium and Stakeholders
CatRIS is a collaborative project built by 7 entities, coming from 4 countries (Belgium, France, Greece, and Portugal):
- European Science Foundation (ESF) – Coordinating Partner
- European Future Innovation System Centre (EFIS Centre)
- JNP Stratigiki Kai Epichirisiaki Symvouleftiki Ike (JNP)
- Fundaçao Eurocean (Eurocean)
- Core Technologies for Life Sciences (CTLS)
- Ethniko Kai Kapodistriako Panepistimio Athion (N.K.U.A.)
- Ethniko Idryma Erevnon (EKT-NHRF)
The targeted stakeholders include RI managers, service providers, users, policy makers and industry.
Role of ESF Science Connect
ESF has assumed the role of project coordinator.
Timeline & Funding
This is a 2.5-year project, starting on 1 January 2019. The total funding received from EC is 1.5M euros.
Project portal
CatRIS website
Twitter @project_catris

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824173