Press Release
Launch of ACCTING, AdvanCing behavioural Change Through an Inclusive Green deal
ACCTING, an EU-funded research project the ESF is coordinating, will produce knowledge and innovations to advance behavioural change at individual, group, and societal levels, for an inclusive and equal European Green Deal. This new project has been kicked off on 15 and 16 February 2022 at the ESF and will last 40 months.
The global climate crisis has devastating impacts on individuals, families, collectives of people, economies, and societies. The impacts are not only ecological, but they are also economic, social, and political. People are disproportionately affected, with poorer, marginalised, and vulnerable groups bearing the brunt. Yet Green Deal policies not only often fail to respond to these inequalities; they can even increase them. Averting, or even mitigating this crisis requires transformative change; changes in the behaviour of individuals, communities, and organisations, that leave no one behind.
For the next 40 months, ACCTING will mobilise research experimentation and innovation based on an interdisciplinary methodological framework to advance a gender equal, inclusive and socially-just European Green Deal.
More information can be found in the launch press release
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