
AtlantOS is supported by European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Programme (H2020 2014-2020) under Grant Agreement no 633211
Project Summary
The overarching objective of AtlantOS is to achieve a transition from a loosely coordinated set of existing ocean observing activities to a sustainable, efficient, and fit-for-purpose Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System (IAOSS).
This will be done by defining requirements and systems design, improving the readiness of observing networks and data systems, and engaging stakeholders around the Atlantic Ocean, creating a legacy and strengthened contribution to the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS).
Project Consortium and Stakeholders
The project consortium consists of 62 partners, including international partners in the USA, Canada, South Africa, and Brazil. These partners include individual marine institutes and networks such as the European Marine Board (EMB), the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), and the European Global Observing System (EuroGOOS).
AtlantOS has a strong stakeholder outreach programme, which includes an Engagement Board in its Governance structure. This external advisory board engages industry, government, and other relevant stakeholders at a high strategic level, advising on future actions to be implemented by the observatories community.
The role of the board is to support the project in gaining new ideas on how to efficiently engage with stakeholders, to attract more users and to identify ways to improve the usage of data and information between society and science and vice versa. It also advises on innovation management issues.
Role of ESF Marine Board
The European Marine Board (EMB) – hosted and administered by the European Science Foundation (ESF) - is a co-leader of Work Package 10 “Engagement, Dissemination, Communication”.
The EMB’s role includes development of the AtlantOS Engagement Strategy and set up of the external advisory boards such as the Engagement Board.
EMB is also the lead for Task 10.6 ‘IAOOS (Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System) in the context of a European Ocean Observing System’. This includes the delivery of a strategic foresight paper [D10.11] on the contribution of AtlantOS towards a European Ocean Observing System.
Timeline & Funding
The AtlantOS initiative contributes to achieving the aims of the Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Co-operation signed in 2013 by the EU, Canada and the US.It will run for 4 years (April 2015 – June 2019), with a total budget of €20.65M.
Project Portal