Programme of the Workshop on "Heart Regeneration"

Programme of the Workshop on "Heart Regeneration"

Workshop venue:  Meilahti Hospital Lecture Room 1, Haartmaninkatu 4, Helsinki (Finland)

Dates:  15-17 August 2008




15 August
12.00 - 12.15 Welcome and Opening by the Chair, Professor Yrjö T. Konttinen
12.15 - 13.00Structure of the human heart by Professor Ismo Virtanen (Helsinki) (tbc)
13.00 - 14.00Lunch
14.00 - 14.45Function of the Human Heart (tbc)
14.45 - 15.30 Free papers
15.30 - 16.15 Isolation and comparison of MSCs from different sources by Dr. Gerjo van Osch (Rotterdam) (tbc)
16.15 - 16.30Coffee
16.30 - 17.15 Lecture:  MSC markers and their analysis using qRT-PCR by PhD Mari Ainola (Helsinki)
17.15 - 18.00Free papers
18.00 A summation of the day by Professor Yrjö T. Konttinen
18.15 - Picnic to Seurassari or Dinner
16 August
9.00 - 9.45Intramyocardial stem cell therapy for myocardial ischemia - clinical introduction by Professor Gustav Steinhoff (Rostock)
9.45 - 10.30Free papers
10.30 - 11.15Engineering stem cell homing and targeting by Dr. Nan Ma (Rostock)
11.15 - 12.00Free papers
12.00 - 13.00Lunch
13.00 -13.45Interstitial Cajal-like cells (ICLC) or Popescu's cells by Associate Professor Mihai Minescu (Bucharest)
13.45 - 14.30Free papers
14.30 - 15.15Replicative senescence of mesen chymal stem cells:  a continuous and organize process by Professor Anthony-Dick Ho (Heidelberg)
15.15 - 16.00Discussion / Coffee
16.00 - Picnic to Seurasaari or Dinner
17 August
9.00 - 9.45Experience on the development of GLP/GMP platform to use fetal and autologous cells for clinical applications by Professor Dominique Pioletti
9.45 - 10.30Free papers
10.30 - 11.15Lecture:  Clean room facilities and quality control systems in MSC research in a production plant by EU-directives
11.15 - 12.15Lunch
12.15 - 13.00Marker tolerant animals as a new tool in regenerative medicine, with special emphasis on heart by Professor Reinhold G. Erben (Vienna)
13.00Workshop Close