Collaboration with Universities

ESF has assisted numerous universities in evaluating a variety of funding applications, including (post-)doctoral fellowships, chair positions, interdisciplinary research projects, and strategic multi-year research programs. Universities benefit from ESF's expertise and advice in designing and implementing an assessment process adapted to their unique needs. Discover some of our university collaborations below:

Evaluation support for the A*Midex Foundation competitive calls (France)

As part of the multiannual partnership, in 2023 and 2024, ESF supported competitive calls of the A*Midex University Foundation of the Aix-Marseille University (AMU), bearer of the IDEX (Initiative of Excellence) funding under the French national programme “Investments for the Future” ("PIA-Programme Investissements d’Avenir"). ESF has assessed over 750 research project proposals involving more than 100 experts across several calls for research projects by AMU researchers:  Chairs of Excellence positions, calls supporting researcher training, interdisciplinary projects and research partnerships with socio-economic actors. 

External assessment and interviews by Review Panels for the Flemish Interuniversity Council - VLIR (Belgium)

In 2024, ESF supported the Flemish Interuniversity Council (VLIR) in the evaluation of the “Special Research Fund” (“iBOF”) applications submitted by interuniversity consortia involving at least two Flemish universities. An iBOF project brings together top researchers who are expected to promote Flanders at an international level by deepening or broadening scientific knowledge and increasing capacity building in a sustainable partnership. ESF collaborated with VLIR to design and implementation the iBOF call selection process, including external peer review by 5 five expert reviewers, organizing applicant rebuttals, setting up review panels and conducting panel interviews with the applicant consortia. 

Evaluation of interdisciplinary research projects for Lorraine University (France)

In 2024, ESF is supporting Lorraine Université d’Excellence (LUE), bearer of the I-SITE funding under the French national programme “Investments for the Future” ("PIA-Programme Investissements d’Avenir"), by providing external expert reviews for the applications submitted  under the following programmes: IMPACT research, large Interdisciplinary Research (PI) and Centres of Research & Transversal Expertise (CRET).  

Assessment of research projects by academic and industry Experts for the Leuven Future Fund (Belgium)

In 2023, ESF supported the evaluation process big flagship platform projects at KU Leuven University and UZ Leuven in Belgium, covering biomedical research, diagnostics and treatment, which have outstanding innovative evidence‐base of clinical research and disruptive directions. ESF provided independent assessments by experts from academia and industry.  

Evaluation of Chair applications for La Rochelle University (France)

In 2024, ESF has provided independent external reviews for La Rochelle University in the framework of their “Project of Excellence ” scheme for the selection of Junior & Senior Chairs funded by the French national programme “Investments for the Future” ("PIA-Programme Investissements d’Avenir").

Evaluation of Chairs applications for the University of Bordeaux (France)

As part of the multiannual partnership since 2021, with University of Bordeaux, bearer of the IDEX (Initiative of Excellence) under the French national “Investments for the Future Programme” ("PIA-Programme Investissements d’Avenir"), ESF has provided independent expert assessment and organised review panels for the assessment of the university's Junior and Senior Chair applications (Programmes “Chaires Junior”, “Chaires de pré-recrutement”, “Chaires Senior”, "Grands programmes de recherche").


Evaluation of interdisciplinary research projects for the Grenoble Alpes University (France)

In 2021 and 2022, ESF supported Grenoble Alpes University (UGA), bearer of the IDEX (Initiative of Excellence) French national programme “Investments for the Future” ("PIA-Programme Investissements d’Avenir"), in the assessment of “Cross-Disciplinary & Cross Disciplinary Tools” programmes meant to foster interdisciplinary collaboration between UGA’s different laboratories and centres across diverse disciplines and methodologies. ESF provided over 130 expert assessments.


Evaluation of early-career research grants for the University of Milano (Italy)

In 2024, ESF supported University of Milano in the evaluation of the call My First SEED Grant to support early-career researchers working at the University. ESF grant evaluation support involved the set-up of the online application submission portal and the external assessment of the applications by two international expert reviewers. ESF provided over 150 expert assessments.  

Evaluation of “Excellence research projects” for Nantes University (France)

In 2024, ESF is supporting Nantes University, bearer of the French I-SITE NExT funding under the French national programme “Investments for the Future” ("PIA-Programme Investissements d’Avenir"), in the assessment process of "Labex projects" (“Projets structurants de recherche”) by international expert reviewers. 


Evaluation support to Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Cofunds

ESF has also supported multiple universities and European University Alliances coordinating Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Cofunds. Examples of evaluations of MSCA (post-)doctoral fellowships are showcased in our dedicated section: Collaboration with MSCA Cofunds.