Collaboration with Research Funding Organisations

For several years now, ESF has partnered with various Research Funding Organisations to evaluate a wide range of funding programmes. This partnership enables funding agencies to tap into a large international pool of expert reviewers and evaluators, managing high activity peaks or unexpected large volumes of submitted applications. Below is a selection of competitive calls that we have recently supported:

Over 4,700 Experts engaged to evaluate research proposals for FWO - Research Foundation Flanders (Belgium)  

As part of the long-term partnership in place since 2018 with the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), throughout 2023, ESF supported FWO with the extensive task of peer reviewing applications for a variety of FWO’s calls. These include Fundamental Research Projects, Junior & Senior Postdoctoral Fellowships and Strategic Basic Research. ESF's involvement led to the evaluation of over 2,800 applications across all research domains, with the contribution of more than 4,700 international expert reviewers. Click here to read FWO testimonial.

Evaluation of the “Gravity Programme” of the Slovenian Research & Innovation Agency 

In 2024, ESF provided independent external assessments to the Slovenian Research Innovation Agency (ARIS) in the framework of their “Gravity Programme”.  The aim of this programme was to bring together top researchers in the fields of artificial intelligence, semiconductors, language and quantum technologies, to facilitate innovation, excellence and the international positioning of the Slovene research.

Evaluation of over 600 research projects for the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia 

In 2023 ESF supported the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia in the assessment process for its largest funding scheme for basic and applied research projects (PRISMA) involving the peer review of more than 600 research project applications across all fields of sciences. ESF provided expert assessment reports and handled the peer consensus step of the evaluation process.

Evaluation of the “Clusters of Excellence” Programme of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)

In 2022, ESF supported the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) in the two-phase evaluation of the proposals submitted under the “Clusters of Excellence” programme, a pillar research initiative of FWF fostering and enabling interdisciplinarity collaboration and synergies amongst leading Austrian research institutions.  Over 180 expert review reports by international reviewers outside Austria for both selection phases were provided to FWF. Click here to read the interview with FWF Unit Head of Programme Management and Coordination.

Review Panel evaluation of over 500 research projects for the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia

As part of the long-term partnership with the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia (SRNSFG) in place since 2019, in 2023, ESF supported the evaluation process of the SRNSFG main funding programmes - “Research Grants for Young Scientists” and “Fundamental Research State Grants” .  ESF implemented the scientific assessment of more than 500 research proposals and set up 19 disciplinary review panels involving over 140 international experts.