Integrating population genetics and conservation biology: merging theoretical, experimental and applied approaches (ConGen)

2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005

Grant Awards 2006

The following grants have been awarded within the framework of the Programme to take place in 2006. 




Project Title

SV/885Elena Gorokhova (SE)Brian Fenton (UK)Assessment of intergenic spacer rDNA variability in relation to growth-related traits
SV/886Javier Perez-Tris (ES)David Richardson (UK)Disease threats to bird diversity on islands
SV/888Carlos Garcia de Leaniz (UK)Juha Merila (FI)Detecting fisheries–induced selection in exploited Atlantic salmon populations


Oscar Gaggiotti (FR)

Cino Pertoldi (DK)

Identifying the factors that determine the genetic structure of Baltic Herring


Marion Pfeifer (DE)

Xavier Pico (ES) 

Genetic diversity of H. hircinum (Orchidaceae) populations over a range of spatial scales


Gregory E.H. Maes (BE)Craig Primmer (FI)Genome Scans for identifying genes involved in local adaptation in salmonid fishes and power assessment of individual based assignment methods
EX/914Akos Klein (HU)Patricia L.M. Lee (UK)Population genetics in Barn Owl conservation
EX/922Péter Szövényi (HU)Helena Korpelainen (FI)Phylodemography of two peat moss species in Europe based on variability of microsatellites, SCARs and functional genes
EX/926Juan Jose Robledo-Arnuncio (ES)François Rousset (FR)Gene Flow - Adaptation Iinteractions In Relict Populations Of Pinus Sylvestris L.:  Conservation Guidelines From Experimental And Modelling Approaches
EX/928Jonathan Richard Bridle (UK)David Gutierrez (ES)Integrating evolutionary and ecological responses to climate change at expanding and contracting range margins in Europe
EX/929Santiago César González-Martínez (ES)Olivier J. Hardy (BE)Correlated mating and male reproductive success in Centaurea corymbosa (Asteraceae), a narrow-endemic Mediterranean plant on the edge of extinction.


Stéphane de Mita (FR)

Mikkel Heide Sheirup (DK)

Evolutionary dynamics of nucleotide diversity of genes involved in symbiotic interactions in the model Legume Medicago truncatula


Stepanka Hulova (CZ)

Jean-François Cosson (FR)

MHC variability in European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) in Central Europe


Miguel Navascues (ES)

Olivier Hardy (BE)

Developing statistical tools for detection of historical demographic expansions with linked microsatellites


Pavel Zehtindjiev (BG)

Staffan Bensch (SE)

Connectivity in European Paddyfield Warbler (Acrocephalus agricola Jerd.) – avian malaria and genetic variability of the population


Harold Perez de Vladar (NL)

Nicholson Barton (UK)

Integrative Models for Estimating Population Adaptve Potential


Elena Forasacco (IT)

Luc de Meester (BE)

Developing microsatellite markers for the littoral cladoceran simocephalus vetulus as a tool for experiments at the interface of evolution and ecology

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