Functional Dynamics in Complex Chemical and Biological Systems (FUNCDYN)

2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007

Grant Awards 2008

The following grants have been awarded within the framework of the Programme to take place in 2008.


SV/2166Ioan Grosu (RO)Martin Hasler (CH)Synchronisation in chains of oscillators
SV/2169Bente Foereid (UK)Inmaculada Ortiz (ES)The role of photo-degradation in the global carbon cycle
SV/2282Lavinia C. Onel (RO)Zoltan Noszticzius (HU)Experimental study of the Briggs-Rausche oscilliating reaction
SV/2283Ivan Valent (SK)Igor Schreiber (CZ)Modelling electrodiffusion phenomena underlying cardiomyocite contraction
SV/2356Michael Stich (ES)Carsten Beta (DE)An oscillatory chemotactic signal transduction pathway under time-delay feedback
SV/2434Andrea H. Devlin (UK)Moritz A. Konerding (DE)Modelling the development  of the retinal vasculature using scanning electron microscopy and vascular corrosion casting
SV/2439Henning Schmidt (DE)Ladislav Nedbal (CZ)Hierarchical modeling of photosynthesis
EX/1651Gergely Boros (HU)Roger Jones (FI)Food web structures and the role of plaktivorous fish in nutrient dynamics in lakes of different trophy
EX/1936Luciana Sciascia (IT)Marcus Hauser (DE)Kinetic studies of a biomimetic cytochrome P450 model system
EX/2050Domenico Bullara (IT)Yannick de Decker (BE)Effect of confinement on oscillatory reactions