European Networking Summer School (Plant Genomics & Bioinformatics) (ENSS)


Plant genome research has developed into one of the most dynamic disciplines of molecular life sciences. Plants are recognised as the basis of a bio-based economy and play a fundamental role in sustaining our environment. European countries concentrate their efforts in the field through national and regional research programmes. While some of these have already developed sustainable cooperations with joint research projects, many of these activities are currently limited to Western Europe.

In 2007 the European Science Foundation launched the Research Networking Programme European Networking Summer School (ENSS): Plant Genomics & Bioinformatics with the objective of supporting research networks all over Europe, by training young investigators and promoting the transfer of knowledge and technology.
To facilitate this objective, annual European Networking Summer Schools will be organised for a geographical mixture of young, motivated researchers from Europe. These courses will focus on training, the exchange of ideas and the creation of an active network between European scientists, research organisations and research programmes.

Each Summer School will address a different subject of topical interest and importance. The Summer Schools will combine theoretical and practical elements delivered by experts in the fields of research.

The running period of the ESF Research Networking Programme European Networking Summer School: Plant Genomics & Bioinformatics (ENSS) is for five years, from September 2007 to September 2012.


Expected benefit from European collaboration in this area

The "European Networking Summer School” in Plant Genomics and Bioinformatics with an annual summer course will:
o serve as a turntable for an effective sharing and dissemination of new and innovative research ideas, strategies, focal points
o promote common learning experiences and scattering latest breakthrough technologies and make common use of them
o creating a platform to discuss research experiences in a very open atmosphere
o promote communication between scientists of European countries and allow a network development between scientists and students from several European countries
o implementing technologies as a general standard all over Europe
o promote plant genomics research and bioinformatics for the benefit of the EU citizens and other European countries
o identify goals and prioritise approaches across the European network
o promote joined and integrated approaches from basic research and new product developments


Five years, from September 2007 to December 2012.