European Research Network for Investigating Human Sensorimotor Function in Health and Disease (ERNI-HSF)


The ERNI-HSF programme officially ended its activities on 31 December 2012.

ERNI-HSF external website


Understanding the nature of the sensorimotor transformations carried out by human posterior parietal cortex (PPC) is a fundamental problem for neuroscience and of considerable clinical importance in treating the consequences of stroke and other neurological disorders that affect this brain area.

Stroke is by far the most common cause of human disability in the EU, and damage to the PPC is a very common outcome of stroke. Furthermore, the presence of disorders, such as hemispatial neglect, seriously hampers rehabilitation after stroke, and reduces an individual’s ability to regain functional independence.

The primary aim of this Research Networking Programme is to establish an interdisciplinary research forum that will drive forward our understanding of human sensorimotor function in health and disease. It will involve the foundation of a pan-European research network that will make possible collaborative work practices that could not be achieved by individual scientists working alone.
Key objectives for this programme will be to: organise a series of scientific meetings that address key scientific issues; develop mechanisms for sharing knowledge and expertise in scientific methods and techniques - particularly neuroimaging techniques; promote and facilitate the training of young basic and clinical scientists across the EU; coordinate the establishment of a European-wide database of neuroimaging data and the construction of a European Human Brain Atlas based upon pooled structural MRI data.



Five years, from May 2007 to May 2012 (05-RNP-089) - extended to December 2012