Ana-Maria Ciubotaru

Ana Maria is Grant Evaluation Operations Manager.  She is a highly experienced scientist with expertise in project management and grant evaluation and is currently overseeing the implementation of the grant evaluation activities at ESF.

Ana-Maria is also involved in the GrapheneEU CSA project, which is supporting the transition of the Graphene Flagship, Europe’s biggest ever research initiative, into Horizon Europe phase, where she leads the work package on European alignment and international collaborations. She is also a partner leader for the EC-funded PASSENGER project which aims at developing Rare Earth-free magnets, and AgroServ project for which ESF is in charge of the evaluation of the applications submitted under the project’s Transnational Access calls. 

Within a decade of work at ESF, Ana-Maria has carried out a range of grant evaluation and project management activities and served as Scientific Secretary of the MatSEEC committee (Materials Science and Engineering Expert Committee).  

Prior to her current position, she was a post-doctoral researcher at ENSIACET-CIRIMAT in Toulouse, where she studied MOCVD and DLI-MOCVD coatings deposition for anticorrosion and antifouling applications, and thermal exchange improvement for composite interfaces. Ana-Maria holds a PhD from Bourgogne and Transylvania Universities in physical chemistry. 

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