Collaboration with MSCA Cofunds
ESF has supported an increasing number of Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) cofunds, coordinated by a variety of organizations like universities, innovation clusters, regional or philanthropic institutions. By relying on the ESF for managing the application submission and assessment process, co-fund coordinators are assured of high-quality and independent research assessment reports. This allows them to focus on call publication, dissemination, grant distribution, and program management. Below are a few MSCA Cofunds that have successfully partnered with us:

Assessment of postdoctoral fellowship applications for the "YUFE4POSTDOCS" MSCA Cofund (Europe)
In 2023 and 2024, ESF supported the YUFE (Young Universities for the Future of Europe) Alliance in the evaluation of the fellowship applications received under the YUFE4Postdocs MSCA Cofund. This programme is coordinated by the University of Antwerp in Belgium and will offer 51 postdoctoral positions in the areas of sustainability and digital society and citizens’ wellbeing and European identity. Over two competitive calls, ESF provided more than 230 expert assessments.Click here to read University of Antwerp's Testimonial.

Assessment of post-doctoral applications for the"ApogeeoBio" MSCA Cofund (France)
In 2022, 2023, and 2024, ESF supported the assessment of postdoctoral fellowship applications for the "ApogeeBio" MSCA Cofund, coordinated by GENOPOLE, a Research and Innovation biocluster in France. Over three competitive calls, ESF provided more than 65 expert assessments. The "ApogeeBio" programme involved active collaboration with the University of Evry Paris-Saclay, Généthon, Télécom SudParis, The Institute Mines-Télécom Business School, CEA, Inserm, and CNRS. It funded two-year postdoctoral fellowships for researchers worldwide in the fields of life sciences, computer sciences, and humanities applied to health and environment.

Evaluation of post-doctoral fellowship applications for the “Energy for Future” MSCA Cofund (Spain)
In 2022 and 2023, ESF supported the Spanish Iberdrola Foundation, coordinator of the Energy for Future (E4F) MSCA Cofund programme. Over two competitive calls, ESF provided more than 120 expert assessments and organised applicant rebuttal and a review panel assessment. Through this programme, Iberdrola, a global leader in renewable energy, collaborated with 15 universities to foster knowledge exchange in energy transition technologies including photovoltaic and wind energy, electric vehicles, energy storage, and smart grid systems. This successful five-year programme has funded 28 post-doctoral positions.Click here to read Iberdrola Foundation testimonial.

Assessment of doctoral fellowship applications for the "PEARL" MSCA Cofund (France/Belgium/UK)
In 2019 and 2020, ESF provided external expert review support to the "PEARL" MSCA Cofund, coordinated by the University of Lille (France), bearer of the I-SITE funding under the French national programme “Investments for the Future” (PIA-Programme Investissements d’Avenir). ESF provided more than 200 expert assessments over two doctoral fellowship calls. The aim of this doctoral programme was to bolster cooperation among I-SITE ULNE, the private sector, and cross-border universities, including KU Leuven and Ghent University in Belgium and the University of Kent in the UK. The programme financed 30 PhD doctoral fellowships in interdisciplinary research, international research placements at partner universities, and intersectorial secondments at partner companies. Click here to read University of Lille testimonial.

Assessment of post-doctoral applications for the “ENRICH-TOGETHER” MSCA Cofund (Turkey)
In 2024, ESF supported the Middle East Technical University - METU (Turkey) in assessing the post-doctoral applications received under the ENRICH-TOGETHER MSCA Cofund. ENRICH-TOGETHER aims to host the next generation of leading experts in the Green and Blue Transition field, translating radically new concepts to scientific, economic, technological and social impacts. This programme will offer 20 post-doctoral positions under two calls.

Assessment of post-doctoral applications for the “NanoBio4Can ” MSCA Cofund (Turkey)
In 2024, ESF supported the Sabancı University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center (Turkey) in assessing the post-doctoral applications received under the the first call of the NanoBio4Can MSCA Cofund programme. ESF provided 120 assessment reports, with each application necessitating an evaluation from 6 reviewers, including 2 non-academia experts. NanoBio4Can is a training programme specializing in Nanobiotechnologies for Innovative Therapeutic Approaches for Cancer. It gathers active involvement from industry partners and clinics via secondments, thereby equipping post-doctoral fellows with transferable and business skills.

Evaluation of post-doctoral fellowship applications for the French Brittany Region (Région Bretagne)
In 2022 and 2023, ESF supported the "BIENVENÜE" MSCA Cofund programme, coordinated by the French Brittany Region, in evaluating two competitive calls for post-doctoral fellowships, providing more than 400 expert assessment for post-doctoral fellowships. Selected research projects were designed to bolster regional research excellence across diverse sectors including maritime economy for blue growth, food economy, digital economy, welfare economics, and the economics of industry for intelligent production. Click here to read Region Bretagne Testimonial.

Assesment of post-doctoral fellowship applications for the “ADAGIO” MSCA Cofund (Spain/France)
In 2022 and 2023, ESF supported the selection process for the "ADAGIO" MSCA Cofund, jointly managed by the University of Bordeaux (France), and the University of the Basque Country (Spain). This programme funded innovative research projects in advanced manufacturing in the Basque Country and the New Aquitaine French regions. The review process consisted of peer reviews of submitted applications, panel assessments, and applicant interviews. Over two competitive calls, ESF provided more than 140 expert assessments. Detailed information about the 15 funded post-doctoral positions can be found here.
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