ESF Research Conferences

ESF-LiU Conference

In search of Peace: Dialogues between theories and practices

20 - 24 October 2012

Click here to access directly the timetable 

Call for Papers

East Gallery - Berlin, 2006 - © Alexandra Novosseloff
© Maria del Mar Lozano Bartolozzi

The search for peace is longstanding. And yet, the concept remains elusive. Most probably the reason is simple, namely that peace is never fully achieved, it is not an end-point, but rather a constant process of negotiation among different actors regarding the terms of their relationships in a myriad of different arenas.

In this conference the aim is to investigate peace as a process and the various forms in which it has been conceptually framed and empirically practiced. In order to do so, the research objectives of the conference are twofold:

(i) to explore the ways in which specific approaches to peace are (or are not) the outcome of dominant scholarly work and policy agendas; thus conversely

(ii) to examine and investigate how peace is constructed as a concrete and common aspiration that shapes social interactions in daily life.

The purpose is thus to foster and facilitate a dialogue between scholarly interrogations and the various experiments and experiences of peace beyond disciplinary and territorial borders. The conference aims to bring together, on the one hand, academic analyses and research innovations in the politics, histories, and discourses of peace from various disciplines. One the other hand to nurture these debates with the practical expertise and field experiences of civil society actors, activists, journalists, artists and policy-makers. Thus, this conference offers a platform for productive exchange between scholars and practitioners that helps us move towards a sustainable peace. 

During the conference we will seek out the differences and commonalities among the various experiments, discourses, narratives, practices and performances of peace. Given the timeliness of the issue and the urgency to engage in such dialogues, we expect a wide range of participants, including various actors from multiple backgrounds and generations. 

Abstracts related to the general theme of the conference are welcome, and we particularly invite applications for papers, posters and photo-essays along the following themes: 

• Conceptualizing peace – moving beyond the liberal paradigm of peace

• Spaces of/for peace – theoretically imagined and/or practically experienced

• Actors of/for peace – voices involved in designing peace 

• Peace narratives – practices awaiting theorization / theories awaiting realization

• Strategies of/for peace – from educational agendas to military interventions to artistic & intercultural projects

• Networks of peace – beyond and across disciplinary and territorial boundaries

Please direct preliminary queries and comments to the conference chair:
Dr. Daniela Vicherat Mattar : d.a.vicherat.mattar[at]


Saturday 20 October
Registration at the ESF desk
Welcome  drink at the exhibition Walls between People, A. Novosseloff & Frank Neisse
Sunday 21 October
Peace Narratives: practice awaiting theorization / theories awaiting realization?
8:30-9:00Welcome address by Prof. Bo Hellgren and Prof. Helena Klöfver, Dean and Vice-Dean of the University of Linkoping, Sweden.
9:00-9:15Welcome address Dr. Daniela Vicherat – Mattar, LUC The Hague, Chair and organizer of the conference In Search of Peace: A roadmap for upcoming dialogues
Prof. Wolfgang Dietrich, UNESCO chair for Peace Studies, University of Innsbruck, AT
Many Peaces: Peace in History and culture
Coffee Break
Dialogues 1 – Thinking about Peace
Moderator: Dr. Daniela Vicherat Mattar, LUC The Hague
G. Visoka, Centre for International Studies, Dublin City University, IR
Making peace between peace theories: A Neo-Lakatosian and non-conflictual view of peace research
A. Warnecke, European University Institute, IT
Interpretations of violent conflict and the epistemology of peace-building

Dr. S. Naderi Farsani, Research Institute for Islamic Culture and Thought, IR

Conflict Resolution in Theory & Practice

Prof. G. Scotto, University of Florence, IT
Global resource depletion and the future of conflict resolution
Poster Session
Moderator: T. Sewimfura, National University of Rwanda, RW


Carolyn Hayman, Chief Executive of Peace Direct
Academic researchers and local peace building organisations – how can they help each other?
15:15-16:00Prof. Sara Cobb, Director of the Center for the Study of Narrative and Conflict Resolution at S-CAR, George Mason University, US
Peace as critical narrative practice performance: Constructing better formed stories

Coffee Break

Dialogues 2 – Bridging daily-practices with other ways of thinking about peace
Moderator: Irit Ballas, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, IL
Dr. D. Checa-Hidalgo, Coventry University, UK
Non-violent international support for socio-environmental conflict transformation
16:45-17:00T. Aladeokin, Center for Peace Studies, University of Tromso, NO
Non violent communication skills and post-conflict peace building: Red Cross and youth training in Rwanda
S. Friedel, University of Innsbruck, AT
The Art of Living Sideways and the Aesthetics of Transrational Peaces
Dr. K. Gatelier, Modus Operandi, University Stendhal, FR
Giving a voice to (rural) populations: a method of participatory research for conflict transformation
Norrköping reception at Town Hall
Monday 22 October
Spaces of/for peace: Theoretically imagined or/and practically experience
Prof. Luc Reychler, Center of Peace Research and Strategic Studies, University of Leuven, BE
Time for violence or peace
Prof. Paul van Tongeren, Former Secretary-General of Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC), now Infrastructure for Peace (I4P)
Infrastructures for peace: a promising approach in peace building
Coffee Break
Dialogues 3 – Institutional Conditions and civilians acting for peace
Moderator: G. Visoka, Centre for International Studies, Dublin City University, IR
T. Malyarenko, Donetsk State University of Management, UA
Escalation of violence in high risk societies: conditions for peace
Dr. I. Ikpe, University of Botswana, BW
Mediating conflicts, promoting peace and preserving relationships: Lessons from traditional African justice systems
Dr. B. Venturi, University of Bologna, IT
Challenges and potentialities of civilian peacekeeping
11:45-12:00Dr. C. Amone, Gulu University, UG
The arming of vigilantes as a peace-building strategy: Lessons from northern Uganda, 1986 to 2012
13:45-14:45Film screening – The Walls of Shame, T. Denis & G. Ratrovondahona, 2010
14:45-15:30Dr.  A. Novosseloff, Global Governance Institute and University of Paris 2, FR
Separation Walls: Builders of peace, agents of the status quo or drivers of change?
Coffee Break
Dialogues 4 – Spaces of/for Peace
Moderator: S. Friedel, University of Innsbruck, DE
Dr. F. O’hAdhmaill, University Collegue Cork, IR
Community development, conflict and power in Northern Ireland
T. Soukotta, International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University, NL
When spaces for peace is occupied by primordial symbols: a discourse analysis on competing identity politics
C. Reiach, University of Tromso, NO
Imaginary in contested spaces: Public space as a tool for peace
T. Sewimfura, National University of Rwanda, RW
Transforming identity-based conflicts through community-based sociotherapy in Bugesera
19:30Get together and drinks
Tuesday 23 October
Moving beyond the liberal paradigm of peace

Prof. J. Galtung, Founder of PRIO and director of Trascend International
The role of discourse for the peace practice: The Cold War yesterday; West-Islam and the Middle East today

Dialogues 5 – Challenging the prevailing peace paradigms and seeking for alternatives
Moderator: A. Warnecke, European University Institute, IT
F. Cavalcante, University of Bradford, UK
The origins of liberal democratic peace buildings(s) at the UN

Dr. D. Mekonnen, Felsberg Institute for Education and Academic Research, DE
Blue Berets in vain: a critical appraisal of the UN peacekeeping mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia


Dr. P. Praxmarer, USI-University of Lugano, CH
Peace and (intercultural) communication: towards a "new" conceptual imagination?


Irit Ballas, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, IL
Palestinian and Israeli human rights activists: a search for a coherent peace agenda

Coffee Break
Prof. V. Fontan, Head Department of Peace and Conflict Studies at the UN University for Peace, San Jose, CR
Decolonizing Peace: A southern epistemology for peace and conflict studies
Dialogues 6: Connecting questions: Education and Peace
Moderator: W. Hong, Foundation for Global Collaboration and Peace
Dr. A. Kynsilehto, University of Tampere, FI
Paths towards sustainable peace: Sharing women’s stories of exile as point of departure
14:00-14:15Mr. G. Kojdheli, Wisdom University, AL
Experience of peace and disarmament education in Albania
14:15-14:30Dr. A. Harwazinski, University of Tubingen, DE
Rhythm of Peace? Dance pedagogics as a Chance to Overcome Prejudice and Create Awareness in Integration Processes

Prof. H. Pratas, ISEC-Universitas, PT
Educating for peace in teacher training

15:00-15:30Coffee Break

Forward Look plenary Discussion & Closure

19:00Conference Dinner
Wednesday 24 October
Breakfast and departure