Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Call for Proposals

Who is eligible to submit a proposal?
Applicants should be individual scientists/researchers based at European universities/research institutes (in the broad sense) in ESF Member Organisation countries.

In the event that the applicant is based in a non-ESF Member Organisation country, the proposal should be led by a scientist (principal applicant) based in a country in which the European Science Foundation has a Member Organisation.

In what language(s) can I submit a proposal?
Proposals must be in English.

What information should be provided?
Please refer to the application criteria and procedures indicated within the framework.

How long should each section of the proposal be?
There is no minimum or maximum length for each section in the proposal, though we do ask that the CV section not exceed one page per convenor.

Can my proposal cover several conferences?
No. A proposal should be for a single event.

To whom and when should I submit a proposal?
Proposals should be submitted via Internet using the on-line form and uploading system by the deadline. Proposals for uploading must be composed of 1 file only, in rtf, Word or PDF format.

Can I send my CV separately ?
No. Proposals, including CVs, should be uploaded as 1 attachment only.

If I apply early, do I have a better chance of being selected?
No. All proposals received by the deadline are dealt with together. It is however recommended not to wait until the last minute to submit your proposal as the possibility of encountering technical problems can never be fully ruled out.

If I apply after the deadline, will my proposal be considered?

Can I expect an acknowledgement of receipt of my proposal?
Yes, if you gave a correct email address you will receive an electronic acknowledgement with a reference number immediately upon submission. No acknowledgement is sent via fax or post.

When will I be informed of the outcome of my application?
Decisions are announced at the end of March. 

Are there any restrictions on proposed dates ?
Yes. A proposal submitted in 2012 is for a conference to take place in 2012. The ESF Conferences Unit will suggest a date, taking into consideration the preferences expressed in the proposal and the availability of the ESF chosen venue.

Which venues can be used and is it final at proposal stage?
The ESF Conferences Unit determines the location of the conference, depending on the set partnership.

Are there any restrictions on duration of a conference?
Conferences should last 4 or 5 days. Longer or shorter durations may be considered if justified.

Are dates final at proposal stage?
Dates are considered provisional at this stage. If the proposal is selected for funding, the Head of Unit will confirm them.

How many conference attendees (participants) can there be?
The maximum is 150 attendees (including speakers and convenors), whether funded from ESF source or not.

Can researchers based outside ESF Member Organisation countries participate in a workshop?
Yes, but their number should be limited. The proposal must demonstrate the potential importance of European collaboration in the chosen field (European added value).

Are there any rules on the geographic distribution of participants?
The aim should be to have wide participation from across Europe and applicants should strive to achieve a good geographical balance, with due regard also to age and gender.

What is the definition of an early career researcher?
Early Stage Researcher is a term used to define a researcher whose career spans less than 8 years between the date of the PhD/doctorate (or similar experience) and the date of involvement in the ESF activity.

Can the conference be open to the public?
No. In order to maintain the interactive nature of discussions, the ESF asks that research conferences remain "small" meetings, with participation upon invitation only.

Can "observers" (i.e. students and colleagues from the hosting institution) attend the workshop?

Can part of the award be used for a preparatory meeting between organisers, etc.?

What conditions are tied to a conference award?

  • Conferences must comply with the profile of ESF Research Conferences as defined under the framework.

  • Successful applicants must comply with the "Guidelines for Chairs"

  • Successful applicants must submit scientific reports within 6 weeks of the conferences.


For more informatin, please contact the ESF Conferences Unit at conferences-proposals[at]