Self-Organised NanoStructures (SONS)


The Million Euro Nanoreactor. For the second year running a SONS researcher received the prestigious EURYI award. Jeroen Cornelissen tell us what he is going to do with this money.




The Winners of the three Best Poster Awards at the EUROCORES SONS Workshop are:

Andreas Walther (SONS-AMPHI) for his poster 'Janus Discs'


Want to know more? click here

What's New!

Going East or West? Fikri Alemdaroglu and Maurizio Righini tell us about their participation to the ACS in Boston and the CLEO in Seoul to present their scientific results.



A week in the lab of.... Giovanni Barcaro spends a week in the lab of Prof.De Vita thanks to a Short-Term Visit.

SONS Workshop on Polymers, Amphiphiles and Nanostructured Materials was held in Bath/Bristol, UK on 12-15 June 2007

>read the report


EUROCORES Workshop on Self-Organised NanoStructures was held in Strasbourg, France on 31 May-1 June 2007.


>Download the Book of Abstracts


 SONS Workshop on Molecular Nanoelectronics was held in Erlangen, Germany, 28-31 March 2007

> read the report



Scientific highlights from CRPs NETSOMA, BIONICS and SSA-TMN

>read the Cover Stories